Superwoman – Print on Plexi


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Prints on Plexi

Double Down on Quality with Prints Mounted on Aluminum Dibond

Our photo prints come with a 75-year brilliant color guarantee. That’s because we develop them using state-of-the-art laser exposure and a traditional wet process. This Artwork is made on Fuji Crystal DP II or Kodak Pro Endura.
UV Protective Laminate: We apply a UV protective laminate to prevent fading and mount it on a 1/8″ (3 mm) thick aluminum Dibond backing. The laminate is very high-quality and long-lasting. It protects against UV rays and dust.
UV Ready to Hang: You can hang it securely. Depending on the size of the Artwork, we have 3 different wall-mounts included in the price: Hooks, Parallel aluminum rails, Bordering aluminum rail… All of the above are compatible with gallery ledges.
Shipped Safely in Custom Packaging: Made to measure, secure packaging is the safest way to keep the Artwork protected while delivering it to you. Standard or Express shipping available.
